Creating & Login using IAM User
Create An IAM User With Console Access Type
- Go To IAM Dashboard > Users > Add User
- Input User name in user name box for lab purpose let’s say it as “Console_User” Under Access Type check AWS Management Console access Under Console password check Custom Password > input password of your choice Under Require password reset uncheck the box
- For lab module, we won’t be adding any permission to skip the next and say Next: Review
- Now click on Create User > Close
Login Into AWS Console Using IAM User
- Now for logging in to AWS account with IAM user “Console_User” go to IAM dashboard and copy IAM users sign-in link
- Now open-up some other browser in your machine and paste the copied IAM users sign-in link Next put the IAM user name as “Console_User” and the password which you have set
- Now you are logged-in into your AWS account with IAM user from different browser
Create An IAM User With Programmatic Access Type
- Go To IAM Dashboard > Users > Add User
- Input User name in user name box for lab purpose let’s say it as “Program_User” Under Access Type check Programmatic access
- Now, attach permission click on Attach existing policies directly > AdministratorAccess > Next: Review > Create User
- Copy Access Key ID & Secret Access Key to notepad and save it
Configure AWS CLI For IAM User
- Make sure you have AWS CLI Installed on your system
- Open cmd in your windows machine
aws configure
Enter your Access Key ID, hit enter on keyboard Enter your Secret access key, hit enter on keyboard Enter default region, for this lab put us-east-1,hit enter on keyboard > again enter leave last on as blank